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Wednesday, March 17, 2021

MCA NEW SYLLABUS 2022-23 || MCA Syllabus available credit system || ignou Syllabus 2023

IGNOU New MCA student Syllabus is available with credit system in which each of the courses is given appropriate credit. IGNOU has implemented to the credit system in MCA courses which is useful for course selection at the time of taking admission and for re registration IGNOU University is working regular to revise its Syllabus of IGNOU MCA
 ignou on the basis of future scope and removes its old syllabus. IGNOU may be change or update MCA Syllabus at any time they need so we work to provide latest syllabus structure to our MCA candidates for their study.

1st Semester
Course Code   Course NameCredits
 MCS-011 Problem Solving and Programming3
 MCS-012 Computer Organisation and Assembly Language Programming4
 MCS-013 Discrete Mathematics2
 MCS-014 Systems Analysis and Design3
 MCS-015 Communication Skills2
 MCSL-016 Internet Concepts and Web design (Lab Course)2
 MCSL-017 Lab (C and Assembly Language Programming) (Lab Course)2
2nd Semester
Course Code   Course NameCredits
 MCS-021 Data and File structures4
 MCS-022 Operating System concepts4
 MCS-023 Introduction to Database Management Systems3
 MCS-024 Object Oriented Technology and Java Programming3
 MCSL-025 Lab (Data Structures using C, WINDOWS 2000, LINUX / UNIX, Java )4
3rd Semester
Course Code   Course NameCredits
 MCS-031 Design and Analysis of Algorithms4
 MCS-032 Object Oriented Analysis and Design3
 MCS-033 Advanced Discrete Mathematics2
 MCS-034 Software Engineering3
 MCS-035 Accountancy and Financial Management3
 MCSL-036 Laboratory Course ( Design, Software Engineering and Accountancy and Financial Management)3
4th Semester
Course Code   Course NameCredits
 MCS-041 Operating Systems4
 MCS-042 Data Communication and Networks4
 MCS-043 Advanced Database Management Systems4
 MCS-044 Mini Project4
5th Semester
Course Code   Course NameCredits
 MCS-051 Advanced Internet Technologies3
 MCS-053 Computer Graphics and Multimedia4
 MCSL-054 Laboratory Course (Advanced Internet Technologies & Computer Graphics and Multimedia)2
 MCSE-003 Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management3
 MCSE-004 Numerical and Statistical Computing3
 MCSE-011 Parallel Computing3
6th Semester
Course Code   Course NameCredits
 MCSP-060 Project16