(1)What is a computer system ?
ExplainVon-Neumann architecture of computersystems with the help of a
(2)What is software project
management ?Explain the following with respect tosoftware project management :
(i) Scheduling
(ii) Timesheet Management
(3)What is URL ? Explain the parts
of a URLwith the help of an example
(4) What is ASCII ? Explain how
Unicode isdifferent from ASCII.
(5) What is a motherboard ? List and
brieflyexplain any five parts of a motherboard.
(6) What is the need of memory
hierarchy incomputer systems ? Compare magneticmemory with semiconductor memory
interms of speed and cost.
(7) What are malwares ? Explain any
threemalwares, in brief, with the help of anexample of each.
(8) What is a Compiler ? How is it
differentfrom Interpreter ? List any two high levellanguages, that use a
(9) What is a Web Browser ? Explain
how aWeb Browser works. Also, explain the typesof Web Browsers.
(10) What is a programming language
? Brieflyexplain the following elements of aprogramming language :
(i) Variable
(ii) Data type
(11)Explain the working of the variouscomponents of a computer, with the
helpof a diagram.
(12) What are Arrays and what is
their utility.Explain the two types of arrays and withthe help of an example
depict the storage ofdata in them.
(13) What is a computer network ?
What are itsadvantages ? Differentiate between guidedand unguided data
transmission channels.
(14) What is Moodle ? Describe its
role inE-learning.
(15) Explain memory hierarchy with
the help ofsuitable diagram.
(16) Explain various categories of
printers on thebasis of speed and quality.
(17) What is E-mail ? Write steps to
createE-mail account.
(18) What is a port ? Explain any
four types ofports.
(19) Differentiate between Batch
andMultiprogramming operating system.
(20) Describe the OSI Reference
Model with thehelp of a diagram.
(21) Explain the following terms
with the helpof example/diagram.
(i) Access time
(ii) DNS
(iii) Plotter
(iv) Video card
(22) Disk checkers
(23) Draw a flowchart that accepts
ten numbersand displays its sum and average.
(24) Do the following conversions :
(i) (382)10 to Binary
(ii) (79)10 to Hexadecimal
(iii) (110101.01)2 to decimal
(iv) (38A)16 to Binary
(b) Describe the working of Routers andGateways.
(c) What is a Browser ?
(25) What is an Open Source Development 8Model ? Describe any six
features of thismodel.
(26) Explain any four Operating System Services.
(27)Draw a flow chart to input a naturalnumber, such as 997, and
determinewhether or not it is a multiple of 3
(28) In a local area network of star topology,one component failed,
bringing down the 'whole network. Predict which componenthas failed. Justify
your answer.
(29) Describe two similarities and twodifferences between a router and
(30) What is a Wild ? How does it promotecontent creation by the
community ?
(31) Explain the Von Neumann's architecturewith the help of a diagram.
(32) Describe if statement. Write an ifstatement to multiply even numbers
by 3and odd numbers by 4.
(33) What is a trackball ? How does it work andwhere is it used ?
(34) What is an operating system ? What are itsfunctions and uses ? Name
any oneproprietary and one open source operatingsystem.
(35) Describe the layers of TCP/IP referencemodel.
(36) What is a defragmentation utility andwhat does it do ? What are the
benefits ofdefragmentation ?
(37) What are the threats to security from theInternet ? What are the
mechanismsavailable to safeguard oneself from them ?
(38) What is the use of a compiler in a computersystem ? How is it
different from aninterpreter ?
(39) What are the components of the process fordeveloping e-learning
content on anysubject ? Describe briefly the activitiescarried out in each,
with the help of adiagram / example.
(40) Why is a memory hierarchy used in acomputer system ? Explain the
memoryhierarchy diagrammatically, giving
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