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Thursday, December 1, 2022

IGNOU ECO-01 Exam Most Questions study materials

IGNOU ECO-01 Exam Most Questions  Free For 2022-23 SessionIf you were searching for the IGNOU ECO-01 Exam Most Questions  free for 2022-23 Session then finally you are at right place as IGNOU ECO-01 Exam Most Questions for free 2022-23 is now available IGNOU ECO-01 Exam Most Questions   PDF files from here.

IGNOU ECO-01 Exam Most Questions  Free For 2022-23 Session

Students may easily to the know about their Assignment Topics by clicking on the official link of IGNOU. All-important links to the will be shared on the web Panel. 

IGNOU ECO-01 Exam Most Questions

Term-End Examination Most Important Questions


1 (a) Distinguish between non - economic and economic activities of human beings.

(b) State the qualities of a good entrepreneur.
(c) Describe the methods of the raising long – term capital.

(d) State briefly the rules for listing of securities on a stock exchange.

(e) Distinguish between advertisement and publicity.
(f) State channels of distribution of industrial goods.


2. What is meant by cooperative form of  organisation ? Enumerate its main features.
3. What is the meant by long - term finance ? Describe  various sources of long - term finance.
4. How does speculation differ from gambling ? State the various factors affecting prices of securities in a stock exchange.
5. Explain the difference between functional and  merchant middlemen. How do they help the
business activities ?
6. How do commercial banks contribute to the  economic development of a country ? Explain.
7. State the merits and demerits of government  participation in business

 (a) Distinguish between non of the  economic and economic activities of human beings.
(b) State the qualities of a good entrepreneur.
(c) Describe to the methods of raising long – term capital.
(d) State the briefly the rules for listing of securities on a stock exchange.
(e) Distinguish between advertisement and publicity.
(f) State channels of distribution of industrial goods.

2. What is meant by cooperative form of  organisation ? Enumerate its main features.
3. What is the meant by long - term finance ? Describe  various sources of long - term finance.
4. How does speculation differ from gambling ? State the various factors affecting prices of
securities in a stock exchange.
5. Explain the difference between functional and merchant middlemen. How do they help the
business activities ?
6. How do commercial banks contribute to the  economic development of a country ? Explain.

7. State the merits and demerits of government participation in business

All new important links will be shared on the web Panel. This is the Distance University new and that is why students are needed to make their Assignments at their Home. If you are feeling any doubt, then ask from us by below ignou comment box