IGNOU BCA BCS-031 Exam Most Questions Free For 2022-23 Session: If you were searching for the IGNOU BCA BCS-031 Exam Most Questions free for 2022-23 Session then finally you are at right place as IGNOU BCA BCS-031 Exam Most Questions for free 2022-23 is now available IGNOU BCA BCS-031 Exam Most Questions PDF files from here.
IGNOU BCA BCS-031 Exam Most Questions Free
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IGNOU BCA BCS-031 Exam Most Questions
(1.)What is Software Re-usability
? Explain in the context of C++ with an example
(2.)Explain C++ streams and
stream classes with an example
(3.)Explain file pointers and
operations. Write a C++ program which demonstrates the use
of put( ) — get( ) and read( ) —
write( ).
(4)Write an interactive C++
program which reads two integer numbers x and y, and an
operator. It then performs the
following operations :
(i) x + y
(ii) x — y
(iii) x * y
(iv) x / y
(5.)What are base and derived
classes ? Create a base class called Stack and a derived
class called Mystack. Write an
interactive C++ program to show the operations of a
(6.) Write a C++
program for finding the difference between two times that are
given in 24 hour format. So
"19:00:00" —
"3:30:00" = 15:30:00, while
"09:00:00" —
"13:30:00" = "19:30:00".
(7.) What is meant by
comparison and logical operators ? How
are they different from the
arithmetic and assignment
operators, explain with the help of an example
(8.) What is exception
handling ? What are the keywords used to handle the exception in
C++ ? Write a C++ program to
handle divide by zero exception.
(9.) Write a program
in C++ that prints numbers and its cubes from 1 to 10 by using
if-then-else and for loop
(10.) Write short note
on the following :
(a) Encapsulation
(b) Message Passing
(c) Function Overloading
(d) File pointers and operations
(11.) Write short notes
on the following :
(a) New and Delete Operator
(b) Parameterized Constructor
(c) Class Template
(d) Pure Virtual Function
(12.) Write a C++
program to create a Book class. Define constructor and destructor for
this class. Also define the
methods to show the title and price of the books
(13.)What is exception handling ?
What is the sequence of events when an exception occurs ? Write a C++ program
that uses exception handling to handle the errors caused, when a number is
divided by zero.
(14) Differentiate among private,
public and protected access modifiers. Also explain
their meaning when a derived
class inherits from a base class using public,
protected or private keywords,
with the help of an example.
(15) Write a program to add two complex numbers
by using binary operator overloading. Write comments in the program wherever it
is required, to give more clarity to the program.
IGNOU BCA BCS-031 Exam Most Questions
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