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(1.)Explain IEEE SRS format and apply it to develop SRS
for "Online Railway Reservation System". Make necessary assumptions.
(2.) What is Use Case Diagram ? Draw a Use Case Diagram
for a Bank ATM System.
(3.) What is Spiral the Model for software development ?
Explain its primary activities in brief.
(4.) Draw the first two levels of DFDs for "Online
Railway Reservation System". Make necessary assumptions wherever,
(5.) Define the term 'Coupling% ExplairCt differences
between coupling and cohesion.
(7.) - Draw a GANTT chart for the development of
"Online Railway Reservation System".
(8.) Explain Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) in
(9.) What is Software Management ? Explain software
configuration brief.
(10.) Write a short note on Assurance (SQA).
Configuration the necessity of management in Software Quality
(11.) What is Function Oriented Design ? Explanation the key use elements and key features of Function Oriented Design.
(12.) Write a short note on Regression Testing. Explain IEEE SRS system format and apply it to
develop SRS for "Student Admission System". Make necessary
(13.) Explain any two of the following with suitable
examples :
(i) Function Oriented Design
(ii) Object Oriented Design
(iii) Testing Tools
(14.) Differentiate between Waterfall model and Spiral
(15.) Draw the first two levels of DFDs for a
"Student Admission System". Make assumptions wherever necessary.
(16.) Define the terms and"Integration Testing"
and "Regression Testing".
(17) Draw GANTT chart for the development of "Student
Admission System".
(18.) Explain the term "Software Matrices".
(i) Develop a test case for any testing technique for
"Student Admission System".
(ii) Explain the Prototype Model with the help of a
suitable example.
(19.) Explain the various debugging strategies.
(20.) Write a short note on Reverse Engineering. Develop SRS for "Railway Reservation System". Make necessary assumptions. Follow
IEEESRS format.
(21.) Define the terms "Coupling" and "Cohesion". Write the differences
between them.
(22.) What SDLC model will you use for "Railway Reservation System" ?
Justify your answer.
(23.) Draw first three levels of DFDs for a "Railway Reservation System". Make
assumptions, wherever necessary.
(24.) Define the short terms "System to a Testing" and "Integration Testing".
(i) Draw GANTT chart for the development of "Railway Reservation System".
(ii) Draw Use Case Diagram for a system of your choice. Include a short note on the system
(25.) Develop a test case for any testing technique for "Railway Reservation System".
(i) Write a short note on Software Metrics.
(26.) Draw structure chart for any system of your choice.
Indicate the title of the system chosen.
(27.) Write a short note on Software Quality Assurance.
(28.)Develop an SRS for an "Online Student Registration
System". Make necessary assumptions. Follow IEEE SRS format. Briefly
explain the characteristics of a good SRS.
(29) What is Spiral model for software development ?
Explain the types of a short software systems developed using this model.
(30.) What is PERT chart ? Explain with the help of an the example,
the creation process of a PERT chart.
(31.) What is coupling ? Explain the meaning of a
strongly coupled system.
(32.) Draw the first two levels of DFDs for an "Online
Student Registration System". Make necessary assumptions as required.
(33.) Develop a test case for any testing technique for
an "Online Student Registration System".
(34.) What is a data dictionary ? Briefly explain the
contents of data dictionaries.
(35.) What are application logic objects ? Explain with
the help of an example.
(36) What is Module Testing ? How is it different from
Integration Testing ?
(37) What is the need of software planning ? Briefly explain
any four types of project plans.
(38) Write short notes on any four of the following :
(a) Entity Relationship Diagram
(b) Class Diagram
(c) Alpha and Beta Testing
(d) Software Quality Assurance Activities
(e) Project Triangle
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