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Thursday, December 1, 2022

IGNOU ALL BCA BCSL-022 Exam Most Questions | ignou bca study materials

IGNOU BCA BCSL-022 Exam Most Questions  Free For 2022-23 Session: If you were searching for the IGNOU BCA BCSL-022 Exam Most Questions  free for 2022-23 Session then finally you are at right place as IGNOU BCA BCSL-022 Exam Most Questions for free 2022-23 is now available IGNOU BCA BCSL-022 Exam Most Questions   PDF files from here.

IGNOU BCA BCSL-022 Exam Most Questions  Free 

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IGNOU BCA BCSL-022 Exam Most Questions

(1.)Write and run a program to the  using 8086 assembly language that performs OR
operation on two byte values to stored in the memory. For example, if the values
stored in the memory are to like  01010011 and 10101100, then the result of OR
operation should be 1111 1111. The result should be left in AL register.

(2). Write and run in the program using 8086 assembly language that adds 1st, 3rd, 5th,
7th and 9th elements of the a byte array having 10 elements. The result is stored in
AH : AL registers.

(3.)Write and run a program using 8086 assembly language that interchanges the
values stored in two 16-bit words. You may assume that both the words are
stored in memory locations.

(4). Write and run a program using 8086 assembly language that finds the sum of
lower four bits of a byte array of six elements stored in memory. For example, if
the byte array in memory contains
01101000 10010001 10010011 01110011 01111101 00110111,
then the program should add
00001000 00000001 00000011 00000011 00001101 00000111
to get the result 00100011. This result should be left in AL register.

(5.)Write and run a program using 8086 assembly language that interchanges the lower
four bits of the AL register with upper four bits. For example if AL register contains
(in binary) of a 0110 0001 then after the program is run it will be changed to 0001 0110.
The result of the operation is then stored in a memory location.

(6). Write and run a program using 8086 assembly language that finds the difference between
corresponding in the elements of two byte arrays, of five elements each. Assume that arrays
are stored in memory. The difference is can use also to be stored in a separate array in memory.
The following example illustrates the working of program :
Array X in memory (in hexadecimal) (51)h (64)h (27)h (37)h
Array Y (in hexadecimal) (11)h (12)h (13)h (14)h
The expected at the result (in hexadecimal) (40)h (52)h (14)h (23)h

(7.)Write and run a program using 8086 assembly language that finds the difference of
two  the byte values stored in memory and then multiplies the difference by 2. The result is
then moved to a third memory location.

(8). Write and run a program using 8086 assembly language that adds two byte arrays
stored in the memory. The arrays should be of 5 elements each. The resultant array
should be stored separately in the memory.

(9.)Write and run a program using 8086 assembly language that exchanges the byte values
stored in two different to the  memory locations only if the value stored in first location is
higher than the second location. For example if the two memory locations contain
(25) and (15) to the respectively then the values will be exchanged to (15) h and (25)h
respectively as first value is higher than the second.

(10). Write and run a program using 8086 assembly language that multiplies every element
of an array by 2. The resultant array is also stored in memory. You may assume both
the arrays is a  (original and resultant) to be byte arrays of 5 elements each. Ignore any

(11.)Write and run a program using 8086 assembly language that converts an ASCII
digit to the  stored in a memory location into an equivalent binary number. The binary
number should be stored in CH register. For example, if memory location
contains in the ASCII equivalent of digit 5, then CH register will get the value
0000 0101.

(12.) Write and run a program using 8086 assembly language that searches for a
value in an array of 5 elements. The array is  should be a byte array stored in the
memory locations. In case the value is found in the array then location of the
element is an put in the BL register, else 0 is put in the BL register. For example, if
array in the memory is
05 07 1A 09 71
(all numbers are in hexadecimal)
and you line are looking for (05)h then output of the program will be 1 which will be
stored in the BL register.

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