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Monday, March 22, 2021

IGNOU BCA BCSL-043 Study Materials/Notes/Important Questions

IGNOU BCA BCSL-043 Study Materials  Free : If you were searching for the IGNOU BCA BCSL-043 Exam Most Questions  free for All Session then finally you are at right place as IGNOU BCA BCSL-043 Exam Most Questions for free 2020-21 is now available IGNOU BCA BCSL-043  Exam Most Questions   PDF files from here.

IGNOU BCA BCSL-043 Study Materials /Notes/Important  

IGNOU BCA BCSL-043 Exam Most Questions  Free 

Ignou bca bcsl Students may easily know about their Assignment Topics by clicking on the official link of IGNOU. 

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(1.)Write to a  Java program to create an account class. Define appropriate constructor for  this class. Define and a short  implement method to display account balance and withdraw money. Show appropriate msg and details  if there is an attempt to withdraw money which may lead to account balance, less than minimum amount required in account. Make necessary assumptions required.

(2)Write a Java program to perform the following operations on string(s)

(a) To concatenate two strings
(b) To find to the length of a given string
(c) To convert a given string into upper case

(3.)Write a Java program to the  create a Vehicle class. a Derive Car and Bus the classes from the Vehicle class. Define appropriate constructors for all the three classes. Define methods to the display vehicle details (including model, price, vehicle number). Make necessary assumptions, wherever required.

(4.)Write a Java program to create an Account class. Define proper constructor for this class. Define methods for the following :
(a) To display the account details
(b) To show the current balance
(c) To show the rate of interest
Make necessary assumptions, wherever required.

(5). Write a Java program to create an applet to find the simple interest on a given amount, rate of interest and duration. Use proper GUI components in your program.

(6.)Write a Java program to create Account class. Derive Saving_Account and Current__Account classes from Account class. Define proper constructor for each of the classes. Define methods to display to accounts details of each account type; using method overriding. Use appropriate the data members and access specifiers in your program.

(7.)Write a Java program to create an applet to draw a circle. Set background color of the circle as red. Also to a  write your name and roll number below the circle.

(8.)Write a Java program to create an Applet which takes temperature in Celsius and converts it into Fahrenheit (The formula for Celsius to Fahrenheit conversion is 5 * C = 9 * (F — 32), where C is Celsius temperature and F is Fahrenheit temperature.

(9.)Write a Java program to create two threads named My Thread and YourThread. Both the threads need to  a print numbers from  the 1 to 10.
(i) Compile and run the program with both the threads  to having default thread priority.
(ii) Assign thread  the priority 6 to My  Thread and thread priority 7 to Your Thread, then compile and run the program.

(10.)Write to a Java program to create Complex_Number class and create objects of complex numbers. Define proper constructor for this class. Define the methods to the  find the sum of two complex numbers and display the sum.

(11.)Write a Java program to find S [i] = A [i] + B [i] ; where S, A and B are arrays of
integers. You are program should have provison for exceptions handling. Define proper class(es) and method(s) in your program.

(12.)Write a Java program to create an applet to find the sum of three numbers. Use
proper GUI components and layout in your program.

(13.)Write a Java program to add two matrices, with proper implementation of exception handling mechanism

(14.)Write a Java program to create an Account class. Define proper constructor(s) for this class. Define methods to calculate Simple interest and Compound interest on the amount deposited in the account. Make necessary assumptions, wherever required.

(15.)Write a Java program to perform the following on any given string
(i) To find its length
(ii) To convert it to upper case
(iii) To check whether it is a palindrome or not

(16.)Write a Java program to create Player class. Derive Cricket_Player and Football_Player classes from Player class. Define proper constructor for all the classes. Also define to Display_Info method in all the three classes to display details of the players.

IGNOU BCA Solved Assignments Click here

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All-important links  shared on the web Panel. This is the ignou is Distance University and that is why students are needed to make their Assignments at their Home. If you like feeling any doubt, then ask from us by the user below comment box here..

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