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Thursday, December 1, 2022

IGNOU BCA BCSL-044 Study Materials/Notes/Important Questions

IGNOU BCA BCSL-044 Study Materials  Free : If you were searching for the IGNOU BCA BCSL-044 Exam Most Questions  free for All Session then finally you are at right place as IGNOU BCA BCSL-044 Exam Most Questions for free All is now available IGNOU BCA BCSL-044  Exam Most Questions   PDF files from here.

IGNOU BCA BCSL-044 Study Materials /Notes/Important  

IGNOU BCA BCSL-044 Exam Most Questions  Free 

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All-important links will be shared on the website ignou Panel 


(1.)The marks of 20 students in project course (out of 200) are given below
110 95 150 80 115

30 180 125 90 117

25 75 85 135 160

77 89 129 149 101

Perform the following tasks complet for the data given above :

(i) Enter the data in a spread package and create a frequency distribution in the
ranges 0-25, 26-50, 51-75, 176-200 using array formula.
(ii) Draw the histogram for the data using spreadsheet package.
(iii) Find the mean and variance for the data using spreadsheet.
(iv) Find the minimum and maximum scores using spreadsheet formula

(2.) the company has the following to data about its monthly production and production cost.
Production in 100 kgs Production cost in Lakhs (Rs.)
1   2
2   3
8   7
5   5
9   9
7   6
Construct a scatter diagram for the data given above using a speadsheet package.
Find the best linear regression line, here you may assume production as
independent variable and production cost as dependent variable.

(3.)The average life in hours of sample of bulbs is given in the following table :
325.2 397.3 400.5 615.2 300.5
600.5 507.7 375.5 575.6 375.2
327.9 427.5 498.3 305.5 379.0
390.7 490.7 570.7 550.9 547.7
Perform the following to a tasks for the data given above :
 (4) Enter the data in a spreadsheet package and create a frequency distribution in the range 0-20, 21-40, 41-60, 181-200, using array formula.

(5) Draw the histogram for the data.

(6) Find the mean and standard deviation of the data using spreadsheet.

(7) Find the minimum and maximum scores using spreadsheet formula.

(8) Enter the data in the spreadsheet package and create a frequency distribution in 8 ranges of same interval, (use array formula). Make suitable assumptions, if any.

(9) Draw the histogram for the data.

(10) Find the mean and standard deviation for the data using spreadsheet software.

(11) Find the minimum and maximum values using spreadsheet formula

short list important links will be shared on the web Panel. This is the Distance University and that is why students are needed to make their Assignments at their Home. If you ignou students are feeling any doubt, then ask from us by below comment box here..

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