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Wednesday, March 17, 2021

IGNOU BCA BCSL-045 Study Materials/Notes/Impotent Questions

IGNOU BCA BCSL-045 Study Materials  Free : If you were searching for the IGNOU BCA BCSL-045 Exam Most Questions  free for All Session then finally you are at right place as IGNOU BCA BCSL-045 Exam Most Questions for free 2020-21 is now available IGNOU BCA BCSL-045  Exam Most Questions   PDF files from here.

IGNOU BCA BCSL-045 Study Materials /Notes/Important  

IGNOU BCA BCSL-045 Exam Most Questions  Free 

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(1.)Write a program to generate 10 Fibonacci series and calculate complexity of each  statement and total complexity of a program.

(2.) Write a program to find minimum of 10 numbers and calculate time complexity of  each statement and total complexity of a program

(3.)Write a program to compute xn, where both x and n are integer numbers. Calculate the total running time to time of the program and how many times the loop will execute.

(4.) Write a program to find the maximum of the list 5, 10, 15, 4, 3, 20, 25. How
many times will the loop execute ? Calculate to the total number of comparison operations in the program.

(5.)Implement a binary search algorithm for searching for an item 16 from the
following sorted array A with 10 elements :
2 4 8 12 16 25 30 32 40 50
Calculate the number of the a comparison operations, divide operation and total time taken to execute a program.

(6.) Write a program to combine two strings and calculate the number of times the loop will execute.

(7.)Implement a bubble sort algorithm for sorting the following list of numbers :
27 5 10 8 16 2 37
Calculate how many times the loop will execute. Count the number of comparison operations to needed in the this program.

(8.) Write a program to calculate the length of a string. Calculate the total time taken to execute this is a program.

(9.)Write a program that finds the sum of all the integers in an array. Calculate the total time complexity of a program.

(10.) Write a program to do sorting of integer numbers through bubble sort algorithm and calculate the worst time complexity.

(11.)Implement a selection sort algorithm to sort an array of 10 integer numbers
25 18 12 14 3 30 35 17 4 11
Calculate the number of exchange and comparison operations.

(12.)Write a program to count the number of times an integer number 10 has occurred in the following array :
5, 10, 15, 2, 10, 8, 7, 10, 11

(13.)Write a program to find the m smallest numbers in a list of n numbers. Calculate the numbers of the   times the loop and comparison operations will execute.

(14.) Given an array of n distinct integers, determine the location of an integer in an array using a linear search. Calculate the to  number of times a comparison operation will execute.

(15.)Implement insertion sort algorithm to sort an array of 10 integer numbers :
6 20 30 10 15 4 3 17 37 7
Calculate the number of comparison operations executed.

(16.) Write a program that finds the sum of the square of each integer number stored in an array of size 10. Calculate how many times of the assignment operation will execute.

(17.)Given an ordered list of n integers and an integer x, find the number of comparisons used to determine the position of an integer in the list using a binary search.

(18.) Write a program to multiply two matrices of order 4 x 4 and calculate the total number of assignment, multiplication and addition operations.

(19.)Given an ordered list of n integers and an integer x, find the number of comparisons used to determine the position of an integer in the list using a binary search.

(20) Write a program to multiply two matrices of order 4 x 4 and calculate the total number of assignment, multiplication and addition operations.

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