IGNOU MCS-021 Exam Most Questions Free For 2022-23 Session: If you were searching for the IGNOU MCS-021 Exam Most Questions free for 2022-23 Session then finally you are at right place as IGNOU MCS-021 Exam Most Questions for free 2022-23 is now available IGNOU MCS-021 Exam Most Questions PDF files from here.
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IGNOU MCS-021 Exam Most Questions Free For 2022-23 Session
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IGNOU MCS-021 Exam Most Questions
(1.)Write an algorithm to sort "N" numbers using Bubble sort. Also, show that bubble
sort algorithm, on average, makes 0(N2) comparisions
while sorting a list of N
(2.)Show step-by-step construction of a B-Tree (t=3) resulting from the insertion of the
following keys. A, S, T, M, U, K, j, B, G, N Also, show
deletion of Key 'U' and 'K' from
the B-Tree constructed above.
(3.)What is a height-balanced tree ? Construct an AVL so that tree for the following elements :
6, 3, 15, 24, 7, 89, 12, 34, 2 Show all the intermediate
(4.) What is a Dequeue ? Write an algorithm to insert and delete to the node in a Queue.
(5.) Write an algorithm to implement Heap using linked list. The algorithm should clearly perform
PUSH and POP list operation.
(6.)Write an algorithm to reverse the order of nodes in a doubly linked list with header node.
(7.) Differentiate between the Kraal's and prim's algorithm based on their principle,
operation and running time. Also know write any two
applications of minimum cost spanning
(8.)Differentiate between Indexed file organisation and Indexed sequential file organisation.
Also, write any four disadvantages of sequential file organization
(9)Consider the algorithm given below : 10
(i) scanf ("%d", &n);
(ii) {for (int i = n; < = n * n; i = n + 10)
(iii) (for (int j = 1; j <>= n; j++)
(iv) printf ("%d", n/i + j);}}
Calculate to the complexity (both space and time) of the
above code by using Big "0"
(10.)Write an algorithm for Heapsort. Write step by step to the working of algorithm for the following set of data :
9, 16, 43, 27, 91, 33, 21, 7, 3,4
(11.)Write an algorithm for adding two polynomials.
Algorithm should take the two
polynomials as input and display the resultant
(12.)What is a BST ? Explain with an example. What are
its limitations
(13.)Find the order of the function 3n + 2.
(14.)Write the functions to perform Push and Pop operations of stack using pointers.
Using above functions, write an algorithm to convert a
given infix notation to its
equivalent postfix notation
(15.) Design algorithms for various operations performed on circularly linked list.
(16.) What are the advantages of using lists than arrays while implementing a stack ? Explain.
(17.) Write a procedure to find minimum cost spanning tree for a graph using Prim's
(18.) Explain the process of creating a Splay Tree using an example
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