IGNOU BCA/MCA MCS-023 Exam Most Questions Free For 2022-23 Session: If you were searching for the IGNOU BCA/MCA MCS-023 Exam Most Questions free for 2022-23 Session then finally you are at right place as IGNOU BCA/MCA MCS-023 Exam Most Questions for free 2022-23 is now available IGNOU BCA/MCA MCS-023 Exam Most Questions PDF files from here.
IGNOU BCA/MCA MCS-023 Exam Most Questions Free For 2022-23 Session
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IGNOU BCA/MCA MCS-023 Exam Most Questions
(1.)Discuss the following relational constraints :
(i) Domain
(ii) Entity
(iii) Referential Integrity
(iv) Key Constraint
(2.)Discuss the anomalies due to insertion, inundation and
deletion in a relation that is not in QNF. Illustrate with the help of an example
(3.)Write short notes on the following
(i) Web Databases
(ii) Distributed Databases
(iii) Shadow Paging
(4.)Analyse the following relations. Child (C-name, C-age, C-address) Parent (P-name,
P-age and C-name, C-age) and identify the highest normal
form possessed by them. If
the relation of the desired to be normalized then perform the
task, otherwise justify with
suitable arguments that "Normalization is not
(5.)Explain log based recovery scheme with the help of an example.
(6.) How client server databases differs from Distributed Databases ? Explain with the
help of an example
(7.)Write SQL statements to perform following queries on the given relations i.e.
Employee (Empid, Emp_name, Dept_id) Department (Dept_id,
Dept_name, Dept_loc, Emp_id)
(I)List the names of employees whose name starts with 'S'
(II)To sort the employee data, in the alphabetic
descending order.
(III)Find total number of employees.
(Iv)Find the department number and number of employees
working in each department.
(8.)With the help of suitable example discuss the utility of check points in Database
(9.)Explain the following :
(i) Data Replication
(ii) 2-Tier Client/Server model
(10.)Discuss the use of B-Tree as a structure for creating
index, with the help of an example in support.
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