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Monday, March 22, 2021

IGNOU BCA BCSL-056 Study Materials/Notes/Exam Questions || ignou bcsl-056 question paper

IGNOU BCA BCSL-056 Study Materials/Notes/Exam QuestionsIf you were searching for the IGNOU BCA bcsL-056 Study Materials every Session then finally you are at right place as IGNOU BCA All Semester BcsL-056 Study Materials  paper for  is now available IGNOU BCA All Notes/Exam paper  PDF files from here.

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(1). Write and run a UDP client & a UDP server program using 'C' language in Unix/Linux as

per the following specifications :

• Client will send a roll number to the server.

• Server will fetch the corresponding name against this roll number from the stored
record and send back to the respective client.

(2). Configure and test the inbuilt Firewall in Linux Operating System.`

(3)Write and run a TCP Client and a TCP Server program using 'C' language in
Unix/Linux according to the following details :
• Client will send a character to the server programme.
• Server will return  the ASCII value of this character to the respective client.

(4). Create a Group named Student in Unix/Linux. Write the rules and set permission
for this groups so that only student and teacher can create files and folders.

(5)Write and run a client and a server program using 'C' language in Unix/Linux
with the following specifications :
• A UDP client will be  send a string to the server.
• The server will check the string, whether it is a palindrome or not. If yes, the server will
send reply as "palindrome found" else send the string
"no palindrome found" to the respective client.

(6) Configure a remote server and transfer a directory to the remote server in Linux.
Demonstrate the step-by-step procedure.

(7)Write and run a TCP client and a TCP server program using 'C' language in
Unix/Linux as per the following details :
• A TCP client program should send 3 numbers to the server. Server can
have maximum 3 clients at a time.
• The server should send back the largest among the 3 numbers to the
respective client.

(8). Create and configure Samba Server in Linux. Demonstrate the step-by-step

(9)Write and run a UDP Client and a UDP Server program using 'C' language in Unix/Linux
operating system as per the following specifications : 20
• Client program will send two numbers, named n and r. n !
• UDP Server will calculate and return back the result. (n — r) !
(10). In Linux, configure an FTP Server and an FTP Client (in another machine). Test a file transfer
 between Client and Server.

(11)Write and run a TCP Client & a TCP Server program using 'C' language in
Unix/Linux operating system as per the following specifications :
• Client will send a text string to  Server.
• Server will check whether the string is a palindrome or not. Result will be
send to the respective Client.

(12). Create a user in the guest group in Linux. Add another user in another group.
Assume both want to write on a same file "Abc.txt". Create an optimal file
permission for this file.

(13)Write and run a TCP Client and a TCP Server program using 'C' language in
Unix/Linux according to the following details :
• Client will send  character to  server, after connection establishment.
• Server will return back the code value of this character to the respective
client. Assume the server can have maximum 5 concurrent clients.

(14). Configure an FTP Server on a Linux/Unix operating system. Test the FTP
Client/Server communication through different machines.

(15)Write and run a TCP Client and a TCP Server program using 'C' language in
Unix/Linux operating system as per the following specifications :
• Client will send a text string of size 10 characters to the Server.
• Server will return the reverse text string.

(16) Write a command to enable authentication for single-user mode on Linux.

(17) Write a command to disable Hotkey startup at Boot in Linux.

(18) Write and run a UDP Client and a UDP Server program using C language in
Unix/Linux operating system as per the following specifications :
• Client will send a text string to the Server.
• Server will return total number of characters in that text string.

(19). Set up a Wireless Network Connection in Linux. Write the result of the following
commands once network connection is established :
(a) tcptrack
(b) netstat

(20)Write and run a TCP Client and a TCP Server program in C language in
Unix/Linux operating system as per the following specifications :
• Client will send two numbers to the server.
• Server will return the sum value of these numbers.

(21). Create a group named "BCA" using GUI tool in Linux. Write the rules and set
permission for this new group in Linux.

(22)Write and run a client and a server program using 'C' language in Unix/Linux
with the following specifications :
• A UDP client will send a string to the server.
• The server will check the all string, whether it is a palindrome or not. If yes,
 server  will send reply as "palindrome found" else send the string
"no palindrome found" to the respective client.

(22). Configure a remote server and transfer a directory to the remote server in Linux.
Demonstrate the step-by-step procedure.

IGNOU BCA Study All bca/mca Semester Study Materials/books/notes Click here

IGNOU  MCA Books/Blocks Clickhere

IGNOU BCA Books/Blocks Click here

ignou bca students Distance University and that is why students are needed to make their Assignments at their Home. If you are feeling any doubt, then ask from us by below comment box here..

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