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Tuesday, March 16, 2021

IGNOU students check Attendance Online

 Ignou Attendance in the practical/ field work is compulsory. Students will be permitted to appear in the practical examinations provided they have required percentage of attendance in the practicals/ lab courses/ field works


For IGNOU classes, attendance can be captured using various methods:

TYPES OF attendance

1. Check-in based attendance

In this method, any student who takes a single action like logging in or checking-in is considered present.

2. Participation-based attendance

A student is considered present based on their participation in one or more online activities shared during a session.

3. Performance-based attendance

A student is considered present based on how they perform in quizzes. A basic level of mastery is expected. This is best managed by asking simple questions that students should be able to answer if they’re attentive.

4. Watch-time based attendance

A student is considered present based on the amount of time they spend online during the ‘call’. Say, in a 60-minute session, a student may be considered present if they spend at least 45 minutes on the call.

Note: Acadly Virtual Classroom supports all these methods of capturing attendance.

Ignou attendance

Generally, for IGNOU theory attendance is not strict but practical exam requires you to have at least 70% attendance. But this would vary between study centers and subjects. Generally, for IGNOU theory attendance is not strict but practical exam requires you to have at least 70% attendance

IGNOU  Attendance Link

Attendance Sheet for OPENMAT XLIII Entrance Test 2018 for Management Programme

Click here

Practical for Lab Courses attendance


You are aware practicals will help in understanding the contents better as practical courses demand application of theory into practice. The theory and practice will provide not only simple knowledge, but also equip you with skills and competencies. Please remember attendance in the practical component is mandatory. A learner must have requisite attendance in practical sessions in order to become eligible for appearing in the Term-end-Practical Examination organized for practical courses. You are therefore advised to be regular in your practical sessions not only to be able to sit in the term-end-practical examination but also to acquire better hands-on-skills and practical knowledge. However, if a learner misses the required number of practical sessions he/she can attend the same (and compensate the shortage attendance) in the next academic session by paying the requisite fee as per the University norms. Please refer to the Programme Guide/Starter Kit or contact PIC/Coordinator/Counselors for more details in this regard and follow instructions as given in the Programme Guide with regard to percentage of attendance required in practical courses.


Some programmes have field visits, workshops, seminars etc. these may carry specific weightage in terms of assessment during studies. These field visits, workshops etc., would help you in acquiring skills and competencies. Please remember attendance in these are mandatory

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