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Saturday, July 16, 2022

IGNOU BCA/MCA/PGDCA Guess Papers and Exam Notes free Downloads

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IGNOU BCA/MCA/PGDCA Guess Papers and Exam Notes Downloads

 The university enforced a new BCA MCA/ PGDCA program.

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IGNOU BCA/MCA/PGDCA Guess Papers and Exam Notes

As a BCA MCA/ PGDCA, I know you're upset about the syllabus, but the university

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IGNOU BCA/MCA/PGDCA Guess Papers and Exam pdf Notes

FEG-02 Foundation course in English -2 Download

ECO-01 Business Organization Download

BCS-011 Computer Basics and PC Software Download

BCS-012 Mathematics Download

ECO-02 Accountancy-Download

MCS-011 Problem Solving and Programming Download

MCS-012 Computer Organization and Assembly Language Programming Download

MCS-015 Communication Skills Download

MCS-013 Discrete Mathematics Download

BCSL-021 C Language Programming Lab Download

MCS-021 Data and File Structures Download

MCS-023 Introduction to Database Management Systems Download

MCS-014 Systems Analysis and Design Download

BCS-031 Programming in C++ Download

BCSL-032 C++ Programming Lab Download


BCSL-033 Data and File Structures Lab Download

BCS-040 Statistical Techniques Download

MCS-024 Object Oriented Technologies Java Programming Download

BCS-041 Fundamentals of Computer Networks Download

BCS-042 Introduction to Algorithm Design Download

MCSL-016 Internet Concepts and Web Design Download

BCSL-043 Java Programming Lab Download

BCSL-044 Statistical Techniques Lab Download

BCSL-045 Algorithm Design Lab Download

IGNOU BCA/MCA/PGDCA  pdf Guess Papers and Exam Notes Download

BCS-051 Introduction to Software Engineering Download

BCS-052 Network Programming and Administration Download

BCS-053 Web Programming Download

BCS-054 Computer Oriented Numerical Techniques Download

BCS-055 Business Communication Download

BCSL-056Network Programming and Administration Lab Download

BCSL-057 Web Programming Lab Download

BCS-062 E-Commerce Download

MCS-022 Operating System Concepts Networking Management Download

BCSL-063 software package ideas and Networking Management workplace Download

MCS 201 Programming in C and PYTHON Download

MCS 202 Computer Organisation Download  

MCS 203 Operating Systems  Download

MCSL 204 WINDOWS and LINUX Lab Download

MCSL 205 C and PYTHON Lab Download

MCS 206 Object Oriented Programming Using Java Download

MCS 207 Database Management Systems Download

MCS 208 Data Structures and Algorithms Download

MCS 021 Data and File structures Download

MCS 022 Operating System concepts Download

MCS 023 Introduction to Database Management Download

MCS 024 Object Oriented Technology and Java Download

MCSL 025 Lab (Data Structures using C, WINDOWS Download

IGNOU BCA/MCA/PGDCA Guess Papers and Exam Notes Download

MCS-211.   Design and Analysis of Algorithms Download

MCS-212.  Discrete Mathematics Download

MCS-213.   Software Engineering. Download

MCS-214.    Professional Skills and Ethics Download

MCS-215     Security and Cyber Laws Download

MCSL-216.   DAA and Web Design Lab Download

MCS-218 Data Communication and Computer Download

MCS-219 Object-Oriented Analysis and Design Download

MCS-220 Web Technologies Download

MCS-221 Data Warehousing and  Data Mining Download

MCSL-222 OOAD and Web Technologies Lab Download

MCSL-223 Computer Network and Data Mining Lab Download

MCS-224 Artificial Intelligence and Machine LearningDownload

MCS-225 Accountancy and Financial Management  Download

MCS-226 Data Science and Big Data Download

MCS-227 Cloud Computing and IT  Download

MCSL-228 AI and Machine Learning Lab Download

MCSL-229 Cloud and Data Science Lab  Download

MCS-230 Digital Image Processing and Computer Download

MCS-231 Mobile ComputingDownload

IGNOU BCA/MCA/PGDCA Guess Papers and Exam Notes Download

MCS-011 Problem Solving and Programming Download

MCS-012  Computer Organisation and Assembly Language Programming Download

MCS-013  Discrete MathematicsDownload

MCS-014 Systems Analysis and Design Download

MCS-015  Communication Skills Download

MCSL-016 Internet Concepts and Web design (Lab Course)Download

MCSL-017  Lab (C and Assembly Language Programming) (Lab Course) Download

MCS-021 Data and File structures Download

MCS-022 Operating System concepts Download

MCS-023 Introduction to Database Management Systems Download

MCS-024 Object Oriented Technology and Java Programming Download

MCSL-025 Lab (Data Structures using C, WINDOWS 2000, LINUX / UNIX, Java and MS? ACCESS, My SQL) Download

MCS-031 Design and Analysis of Algorithms Download

MCS-032 Object Oriented Analysis and Design Download

MCS-033 Advanced Discrete Mathematics Download

MCS-034 Software Engineering Download

MCS-035 Accountancy and Financial Management Download

MCSL-036 Laboratory Course (For Object Oriented Analysis and Design, Software Engineering and Accountancy and Financial Management) Download

IGNOU BCA/MCA/PGDCA Guess Papers pdf and Exam Notes Download

MCS-051 Advanced Internet Technologies

MCS-052 Principles of Management and Information

MCS-053 Computer Graphics and Multimedia

MCSL-054 Laboratory Course (Advanced Internet Technologies & Computer Graphics and Multimedia)

MCSE-003 Artificial Intelligence and Knowledge Management

MCSE-004 Numerical and Statistical Computing

MCSE-011 Parallel Computing 

IGNOU pdf BCA/MCA/PGDCA Guess Papers and Exam Notes Download

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