IGNOU Solved Assignments 2024 Session And guess papers pay after download automatically (1-2 hour in mail/whats app) Any Query msg in whats app +916375490692 Thanks you

Monday, March 10, 2025

IGNOU Solved Handwritten Scans in PDF Downloads (Guaranteed High Scores!)

 Latest IGNOU handwritten scans assignments submit online pdf

• Hook: "Is writing the IGNOU handwritten scan pdf assignments a tedious task for you because of the strict requirements? Find out the handwritten scans utilized by highly-achievers that helped them score above 90% every year!"

• First, start with how important the IGNOU handwritten scan assignments are (30% weightage, passes mark as a requirement in the exams).

• Submission Understanding Essentials

• Before you start with your work, make sure to:

Latest IGNOU handwritten scan pdf

Online Submission Last date:

You can submit your assignments online through the IGNOU website or by visiting your regional center's website

Last date is: 30-March-2025 (Extend to April )

IGNOU Solved Handwritten Scans in PDF/Ready made Downloads session 2024-25 Latest 

LAST UPDATE 01-01-2025 TO 09-03-2025

BEGG-171 Media and Communication Skills Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download

BPSC-101 : UNDERSTANDING. POLITICAL THEORY Handwritten scan(Hindi) pdf Download

BPSC-102 Constitutional Government and Democracy in India Handwritten scan(Hindi) pdf Download

BSKG 178 Pracheen Bharatiya Rajniti Handwritten scan(Hindi) pdf Download

BRL-101 Overview of Retailing Handwritten scan(Hindi) pdf Download

BEVAE-181 Environmental Studies Handwritten scan(Hindi) pdf Download

BEVAE-181 Environmental Studies Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download

BEGLA-138 : READING AND SPEAKING SKILLS Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download

BSOC-133 Sociological Theories Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download

BSOC-134 Methods for sociological Enquiry Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download

BANS-184 Public Health and Epidemiology Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download

BRL-101 Overview of Retailing Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download

BCOS-183 Computer Application in Business

BEDSV 101-VALUE EDUCATION Handwritten scan(Hindi) pdf Download 

BEDSV 101-VALUE EDUCATION Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

BPAG–171 : DISASTER MANAGEMENT Handwritten scan(hindi) pdf Download 

BSOC-101 : INTRODUCTION TO SOCIOLOGY—I  Handwritten scan(hindi) pdf Download 

BSOC-102 : SOCIOLOGY OF INDIA—I  Handwritten scan(hindi) pdf Download 

BCOS-186 Personal Selling and Salesmanship  Handwritten scan(hindi) pdf Download 

BSSS-183 Life Skills  Handwritten scan(hindi) pdf Download 

BPAS-184 LOGISTICS MANAGEMENT  Handwritten scan(hindi) pdf Download 

BEGC-131 Individual and Society Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

BEGC-132: Selections from Indian Writing Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

BEGC-133 British Literature Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

BEGC-134 Reading the Novel Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 


MMPH-001 Organizational Theory and Design Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPH-002 Human Resource Development Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPH-004 Industrial and Employment Relations Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPH-007 Compensation and Rewards Management Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-001: Management Functions and Organizational Processes Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-002: Human Resource Management Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-003: Business Environment Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-004: Accounting for Managers Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-005: Quantitative Analysis for Managerial Applications Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-006: Marketing Management Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-007: Business Communication Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-008: Information Systems for Managers Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-009: Management of Machines and Materials Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-010: Managerial Economics Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-011: Social Processes and Behavioural Issues Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-012: Strategic Management Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-013: Business Laws Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-014: Financial Management Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-015: Research Methodology for Management Decisions Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-016: International Business Management Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-017: Advanced Strategic Management Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-018: Entrepreneurship Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-019: Total Quality Management Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

MMPC-020: Business Ethics and CSR Handwritten scan(English) pdf Download 

Solutions Handwritten scan pdf Call/Whats app-+916375490692



MOBILE NUMBER: +916375490692


Look At The Instructions: Check that assignment requirements issued with the assignments by IGNOU are followed, especially the sequence needed in pages, the total size of the document, and its title.

Anticipated Quality: The handwritten parts of the assignments ought to be legible. If your handwriting is too unclear, consider reconceptualizing the assignment in such a way that conforms to the benchmark.

Submission Website: Learn how to use the IGNOU online portal for assignments submissions. This will help save time on submission day.

• ________________________________________

Can you believe that some students find it hard to write the IGNOU handwritten scan assignments? Do you want to understand how the ones scoring over 90 each year are doing it? Look out for the handwritten scans these students have utilized and you will find the answer.


Opposite of what many people believe it's not relinquishing liberty credence but rather taking disproportionate control. Handwritten assignments carry significant weight with a requirement of passing marks (30%). It's borderline scary how submission requirements are never solely tasks that are completed.

Prior to tackling your work, do the following:

They mention, 'Look at the instructions.' Make sure that the assignment requirements issued with remarks by IGNOU are scanned in such a way that they abide by the peculiar sequence on pages, the total size of the document, and its title.

An anticipatory submission quality is that the handwritten elements of the assignments need to be comprehensible. In situations when the handwriting is too unclear, I firmly believe that the assignment should be redone in a way that conforms to the benchmark criteria.

The submission website is a well-known phenomenon. Being familiar with the means for the Commedia bonus set aside for the students will save you time on the very day of submission.

Why Assignments Handwritten Scan are Important for IGNOU

• Typed or printed assignments are immediately rejected due to IGNOU’s anit AI policy.

• Scanned handwritten works appears to be more genuine and do not flag self-plagiarism.

• Example: "A student’s assignment was Chatgpt-ed and therefore rejected. This is where these handwritten scans helped save their semester."

The Handwritten Scan Help Score High Marks

• Pro Tip 1: Do not copy. Do not even attempt to replicate the same thing and instead use the scans to write your own unique answer.

• Pro Tip 2: For additional marks, include sketches and flowcharts as the diagrams.

• Pro Tip 3: Submit the assignments at the appropriate time for your regional center.

Common Questions

"Can I submit printed assignments?" → No, IGNOU does not accept them.

• "Are these scans updated for 2024?" → Yes, includes all changes in the syllabus.

• "Is sharing assignments allowed?" → Yes, sharing assignments on the accounts of peer learning is encouraged by the university.




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